It is difficult to imagine that anyone would rather spend their entire life completely alone without friends or family, but it can happen to those unable to get along with others. Building relationships requires a person to be able to interact with others in a reasonable fashion, and it is a learned skill. Large societies today require it to be learned as early as possible, but many of the skills people possess were actually acquired at home through their family. They might have only those if they never left home, but children today are required to attend school. There they learn to extend their abilities to interact with others, and they hopefully learn how to build good relationships.
Finding Friends
The first day of school is often a bit frightening for many young children, and they suddenly find they are among all strangers unless they are in a class with a friend from home. This scenario is actually unlikely in many schools, so the children stand on an equal footing when it comes to finding friends. If they have already been taught how to share and get along with others outside their family, they have a fairly good chance of making lifetime friends during their first year. Those who have been overly sheltered might find it is difficult to bond with others.
Learning to Share
One of the best ways to acquire friends is to be one first, so learning to share is a good way to get started. Children with siblings often find they have that ability when they go to school, but those who have never had to share might be selfish. Playing alone when everyone else has friends can be difficult, so a child might be able to pick up the skill of sharing by observing others. It can take them longer to understand the basics behind their own actions, but their socialization skills will eventually mature.
Group Learning
School is not a place where only a few youngsters are in attendance, and getting along with everyone is not always a reality. One way of looking at it is as an experience in group learning, and the group often decides who is worthy of friendship and who is not. For those classes where there is too much isolation, primary assemblies are a good way to begin teaching students to learn good interaction skills. This lesson can be taught better with a package from Primary Works that is designed to help them learn about good relationships with family and friends.
There are few guarantees in life that finding friends outside of home will happen, but most people learn how to interact as they mature. For those who want to have good relationships, counting on knowing how to build them just by watching family is not always a good guide. Making friends and building lifelong relationships away from family takes effort on the part of both parties, but it can be an excellent investment in having a good future filled with happy gatherings and lots of friends.